£20 chiropractic offer - what’s included?

Our £20 offer includes a thorough consultation, a report of findings and a free adjustment. To allow us the time to fully assess your individual symptoms and make personalised recommendations, the offer is made up of 2 x 30 minute appointments.

Please be aware that your free adjustment will be performed during your second appointment.


The purpose of your first visit is for us to understand your current condition, your medical history and any symptoms you are experiencing. Your chiropractor will ask questions about your general health, lifestyle and goals before performing a physical examination. You will remain fully clothed during your exam as your chiropractor runs through some orthopaedic, neurological and chiropractic tests to assess the function of your spine, joints and nervous system. 

This first appointment gives us the information necessary to build an accurate diagnosis and inform our recommendations for treatment.



In your second visit, your chiropractor will discuss with you their findings from the consultation and exam. They will explain how chiropractic care may support you in alleviating any pain or symptoms you are experiencing, and in achieving your goals. Your chiropractor will clearly outline the no-obligation treatment options available to you, including the associated costs, before performing your free adjustment.

If for any reason your chiropractor feels that chiropractic care may not be appropriate for you, they may recommend not performing an adjustment. Alternative options for treatment may be recommended in this case.

If you have not received a Chiropractic adjustment before, here’s what to expect!

We will ask you to lie down (fully clothed) on a bench, on your back, side and/or front. Your Chiropractor will then perform manipulations on specific parts of your spine, neck and/or pelvis which can feel like a ‘click’ or a ‘clunk’. These manipulations are not typically painful, but may feel unlike anything you have experienced before! Most patients feel a release or positive sensation when adjustments are carried out. 

Your Chiropractor will recommend after-care activities for you to carry out following your adjustment, which may include specific stretches or applying ice-packs to certain areas.

Want to experience if for yourself? Claim our Chippenham £20 Offer or Portishead £20 Offer now!